Sunday, November 8, 2009

Incredible Saturday

What an incredible day yesterday! It seems that no matter how many times we review our previous topics there is more to still come out and more breakthroughs to be made. I have created this blog so that we can share our comments regarding our daily experiences and how they relate to Will Power. Please feel free to share as we continue to bear witness to the unfolding of God's glory.


  1. Action Points
    Eat when you are hungry. Remenber true hunger is when your stomack growls It is not, I need something, what will satisfy my wants.
    Stop when you are full,Do not stuff . Using food to fill the heart leads to overweight.
    Scriptures to read this week Mark 12:28-29 Ephesians 5:5 Isaiah 66:2 John3:1-5 1 Peter 4:1-2 Psalm103:1-5 Matthew 17:20 Pray and stay in the word of God I pray that there be more of God and Less of me may I do his wil today.

  2. Yesterday was such a beautiful day. Our community Event was amazing. It's just one more wittness to the scripture that says all things are possible thru Christ that strengthens me.

    Pastor I am up this morning and God is speaking to me so clearly today. I have had an epiphany that when when we do not love ourselves unconditionally and when we have self doubt we give the devil an opportunty to come reek havock in our lives. We allow ourselves to become self centered and self absorbed. We cannot become our full selves as God wants us to be. The loving caring and giving and forgiving people that he has ordained us to be. Willpower is such a testament to that. We have to share this powerful truth with others in our community so that they understand God's glory. I am so thankful to God for bringing me back to Antioch so that I could be part of and witness his truth. My heart is full to bursting right now! Full of his love and in awe of his awesome power. Thank you God.
